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​​​​​​​​Cognex Barcode Readers and Vision Systems

BarCode Readers

1-D BarCode Readi​ng
Cognex DataMan barcode readers provide the highest read rates for 1-D barcodes - handling extreme variations of code degradation with 1DMax+ software algorithm and the Hotbars image analysis technology. 
​Read barcodes omnidirectionally and multiple codes simultaneously!
​2-D Barcode Reading
​From easy to read 2-D codes on labels to challenging Direct Part Marks (DPM) on chips, plastic, ceramic, glass, or metal, DataMan barcode readers provide the most robust reading reliability for all industries with the patented 2DMax+ reading algorithm. 
Even overcome challenges such as poor marking quality or damaged clocking patterns on codes
​​​DataMan 500 Series
Supercharged ID performance for factory automation applications​

​The high performance DataMan 500 fixed-mount barcode reader is powered by a proprietary vision chip technology providing unmatched barcode reading and ease of use not found in other image-based or laser systems a​​vailable today. DataMan 500 reads barcodes at twice the speed of other readers and is so easy to use, and reads codes so well, that it doesn't have to [positioned optimally to achieve high read rates. Cognex VSoC provides ultra fast auto-exposure and image acquisition speeds of up to 1,000 frames/second.  It reads up to 90 codes/second and can decode the most challenging 1-D and 2-D barcodes.

Phone: 516-625-0110                 303 Winding Road                             Emails:

Fax:      516-625-0881                Old Bethpage, NY 11804                       




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